Three-Month Tithe Challenge Agreement

I am committing to the following:

1. I would like to test God’s faithfulness by accepting the Three-Month Tithe Challenge.

2. My household has not been tithing for the last six months.

3. My household will return to God, through Pontiac Church, a tithe equal to 10% of our income for three months.

4. For my tithe to be properly recorded and credited as part of the Challenge, I understand that I’ll need to:

a. Give online via the website or Planning Center
b. Put my name on any checks; or
c. Place cash gifts inside a completed giving envelope.

5. At the end of the three-month period, if I don’t see God’s blessings in my life as a result of my obedience to His Word, then I can request a refund of all gifts made during that three-month period.

6. My refund request must be received by the Pontiac Church Administrative Team in the 30 days following the end of the three-month period.